
London Market Forums (LMForums), the club where professionals working in the world famous Lloyd's & London Insurance Market come together to learn, network and collaborate. A place for thought leadership generation and relationship building.

If you are interested in advertising or promoting your organisation on the LMForums platform, please do get in touch. We have multiple channels, appealing to companies ranging from small start up businesses, to law firms, through to multinational global organisations. Our promotion opportunities range from our extensive events programme, supported by suppliers and Market companies, through to our incredibly popular Market People Magazine, our monthly Members Newsletter and our online interviews.

Perhaps you have an idea about a future news story, feature or you want to see an interview with a specific person from the Market, then please just let us know.

If you are a supplier to the market or indeed an underwriter or broker and would like to advertise your product, services or business on our site or by sponsoring one of our 50+ annual events, please do get in touch. We can help you stay connected and keep your brand in the line of sight of the EC3 community and wider insurance sector. Our reach has become global, so partnering with L:MForums has become an integral part of the marketing strategy of many firms in the UK and around the globe. LMForums, bringing professionals together.

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